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  • Writer's pictureKate & Nicole

Are you optimising your appointment book? Tips from virtual coordination experts.

When it comes to your appointment book, there is no ‘blanket approach’ to how you optimise it to the best of its ability. Depending on the software you use, will depend on how you can make the most of all the incredible features that come with appointment booking platforms. For example, does your system have features that enable you to ‘set and forget’ or ‘streamline’ your client journey? Meaning, can you set up automations so that you KNOW your clients are being nurtured through their experience with you? Does your appointment book have a waitlist facility where clients can pop themselves on a list that notifies you when you have a cancellation? What kind of fees are you paying for these services and are you maximising each and every minute of your day?
These are the kinds of topics and questions you should be asking yourself, as well as asking your booking system. Have you sat down (with a cup of tea and a spare 2-3 hours) and spent quality time looking through your software to ensure it is performing FOR you while you are working? These are the small changes and implementations that can make a huge difference to not only your time, but your dollar dollar bills y'all.
Picture your perfect day (insert dream cloud above your head with perfect day pictured) what does this look like to you? A fully booked day with your favourite treatments neatly booked back to back? With ample time in between for cleaning, retailing, flipping your room and re-booking your clients? Proper, and I mean PROPER breaks for you to rest, refuel and recharge? Blocked out time for training, or to watch that recorded webinar you have had in your inbox for the last month? Is your day seamless? Do you get to the end of your day, turn off the lights, lock the door and head home to switch off your brain and binge Netflix, knowing that your clients for tomorrow have been sent their consent form, appointments are all confirmed and deposits have been securely paid for? Unless your answer is yes to all of the above, you have not optimised your appointment book to it's capacity. Or, you may be in need of some serious outsourcing.

Yes, this might totally be a little plug for our Halo VC services but it is also the reality of many business owners.
In a perfect world, you would have a tech savvy, industry obsessed, full time clinic co-ordinator or receptionist that could man your forte and ensure all of your software is operating to it's absolute optimum - this would mean that each platform you are paying for, should be giving you a desired ROI (return on investment). It means that for each charge you see on your bank statement, from each platform, should actually make you smile because you know that no matter the charge, you are reaping the rewards of this platform - and that your tech savvy, industry loving team member is constantly staying onto of all of the changes to ensure that your appointment book and associated systems are functioning to the best of their abilities - to give you back time and money.

Why else would you spend thousands a year on the top quality systems and potentially hundreds of thousands on that front of house legend.

For those of you who are think, “Front of house legend?” “That's certainly not me” OR “Shit, I'm definitely not reaching my targets or filling my books” then let this be your call to action - pour that cup of tea, take that 2-3 hours and sift through each and every one of your platforms and reach out for help. Contact each platform and request a call from their sales representatives to walk you through all of the features that could help your business. AND THEN IMPLEMENT THEM. Make sure that they can give you the tools YOU need to optimise not only your appointment book but every single resource you have.
And angel, if you don’t have time for any of this - well I guess you just need us (wink, wink) as we can do all of this and more (yes, that's another plug for our Halo services) after all, we are in business to help your business thrive and to give you back time and money.

So if you can't do it yourself, that’s cool, we have your back. Send us an email at or book a discovery call here to find out how we could help you truly optimise your appointment book.

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