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  • Justine Woods

My Top 10 Strategies for Successfully Reengaging Clients.

Updated: May 24

In today's economic climate, where clients are more conscious about their spending habits, many beauty salons and skin clinics that I have spoken with have mentioned the challenges of encouraging clients to maintain regular appointments while respecting their budgetary concerns.

It got me thinking about how, in a climate where clients are attempting to extend the time between beauty or skin treatment appointments to reduce spending, it's more important then ever before to implement client reengagement strategies that offer great value, convenience, and incentives to encourage your clients to return sooner.

So I have put together a list of my top 10 strategies to re-engage clients, position yourself as an expert, build trust and connection, showcase your value and ultimately encourage them to rebook regularly:

1. Value-Driven Communication: Shift the focus of your communication from purely promotional to value-driven content. Instead of bombarding clients with sales pitches, provide them with useful tips, educational content, and insights related to skincare, beauty trends, and self-care routines. By demonstrating your expertise and offering genuine value, you keep your salon or clinic top-of-mind for clients, encouraging them to rebook. If you are looking for some inspiration for value-driven communication, particularly for social media, check out Kelly Christie aka Skin Queen on her social media accounts for Skin Queen and The Facial Bar.
2. Personalised Offers: Tailor your offers and promotions to match the individual needs and preferences of your clients. Use data from previous appointments and purchase history to create personalised incentives that resonate with each client. Whether it's a discount on their favorite treatment or a complimentary upgrade, personalized offers make clients feel valued and increase their likelihood of rebooking.
3. Loyalty Rewards Program: Implement a loyalty rewards program that incentivises clients to return for repeat visits. Offer points or rewards for every appointment or purchase, which clients can redeem for discounts, free treatments, or exclusive perks. By rewarding loyalty, you encourage clients to maintain regular appointments and build long-term relationships with your salon or clinic. You could potentially activate loyalty rewards using your salon software; I'm aware that Timely offers this feature, which simplifies the process of implementing a rewards program in your business.
4. Educational Workshops and Events: Host educational workshops, seminars, or events that provide clients with valuable insights into skincare, beauty techniques, and product knowledge. Invite industry experts, aestheticians, injectors or dermatologists to share their expertise and engage with clients in a meaningful way. These events not only foster client engagement but also create opportunities to upsell treatments and products, encouraging clients to rebook.
5. Rebooking Incentives: Offer incentives for clients who rebook their next appointment before they leave the salon or clinic. Provide discounts, special offers, or exclusive perks for clients who schedule their next visit within the recommended time frame. By incentivising immediate rebooking, you increase client retention and minimise the likelihood of appointment gaps.

6. Value-Added Services and Bundle Deals: Enhance the client experience by offering value-added services or bundle deals. Some ideas might include complimentary consultations, skincare assessments, or product samples included with a treatment or creating treatment bundles offering multiple treatments at a package price and really breaking down all of the inclusions to highlight the value to clients.

7. Limited-Time Promotions: Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time promotions or flash sales with discounted rates for appointments booked within a specific timeframe. Highlight the savings clients can enjoy by taking advantage of the offer before it expires.
8. Targeted Follow-Up: Stay connected with clients between appointments through targeted follow-up communication. Send personalised emails or messages to check in on their skincare progress, offer maintenance tips, or remind them of upcoming appointments. By staying proactive and engaging with clients on a regular basis, you reinforce the importance of regular treatments and encourage them to rebook.
9. Flexible Payment Options: Offer flexible payment options to accommodate clients' budgetary constraints. Consider implementing installment plans, subscription-based models, or package deals that allow clients to spread out the cost of their treatments over time. By making your services more accessible and affordable, you remove barriers to rebooking and encourage clients to prioritize their skincare needs. I love using Afterpay, Zippay and Aglow as providers for payment options online and in-clinic.
10. Client Feedback and Listening: Actively seek feedback from clients about their experiences, preferences, and concerns. Create opportunities for clients to share their feedback through surveys, reviews, or one-on-one conversations. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement, tailor your services to better meet clients' needs, and demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction. By listening to your clients and addressing their feedback, you build trust and loyalty, increasing the likelihood of rebooking.
Navigating the current climate requires salons and clinics to adopt innovative and client-centric approaches to encourage rebooking within recommended time frames. By focusing on value-driven communication, personalisation, loyalty rewards, and flexibility, businesses can nurture client relationships, foster loyalty, and drive repeat business in a cost-conscious environment.

By implementing these strategies, you can navigate the challenges of the current climate while maintaining a loyal and engaged client base which will help to promote more regular cashflow in your business.

And, of course, we are here to help in any capacity that we can along the way. If you would like any assistance in implementing any of the above strategies, please book a discovery call here.

Alternatively, you can send an email to or contact us on 0494 138 854.

I can't wait to talk to you soon,

Love Justine

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