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  • Writer's pictureKate & Nicole

Why Planning is the Key to a Successful Business

Planning for 2024 with notepad and pen

Let's talk about planning and why a strategic plan really is the key to success. 

When I think about organisation or 'un-organisation' if you will - I literally picture a headless chook running around (pardon the vivid picture) vs a zen goodness, crossed legged with a wispy aura surrounding herself. Now while these images are both on extreme opposite sides of the 'organisation graph' this is how I like to picture life, with and without a plan. 

Without a plan, you are more than likely going to run around, feeling like you can not get a grip on the one million tasks running around in your head. 20 half done tasks and goals that seem like a lift time away. Without planning, its quiet literally like being up shit creek without a paddle, and that is definitely not a place you want to be. And yet, this year, so many of the business owners we have spoken with have described their minds much like the description above and they are screaming for help to lay it all out, like a puzzle, find the correct pieces and then put it all together to create the beautiful image that is their dream business. 

We always say, that the first step to becoming closer to your dream business, is to have a plan. Not just any old, slap dash, write it on the back of a napkin plan (although if you dont have any plan at all this is a god place to start) - I am referring to a thought out, strategic plan. That gives you a road map on how, when and where you will start to tick off the tasks that need to be done to reach your goals. Weather that be a weekly, monthly, yearly or 5-10 year goal - it can all be achieved if you have a plan, the right mindset, a lot of heart and a bit of grit.

If you think about your plan and it makes you feel a little sick or anxious, this is the first indication that you need to jump on this as soon as possible. The simple act of writing down everything you want to achieve is the first step to letting go of some of that built up energy as it ensures your ideas are not stuck, filling up your head and feeling like they are literally about to explode from your ears. Writing it all down, means that you have now shared these goals with whoever you choose to share them with - they are not longer yours to bare alone. I challenge you to write the numbers from 1-20 right now - and make a list of the first 20 things that come to your mind that you want to achieve.

Go, do that now.....

Now, how do you feel? Do you feel slightly elated? Do you feel just a bit lighter? Clearer? If you answered yes to these questions, this means it's definitely time to start developing a Strategic Plan for you and your business in 2024. 

We have put together an incredible resource to help guide you through the best Strategic Plan for you in 2024 and are offering our subscribers the opportunity to sit down with a virtual angel planning expert to help you feel like a cross-legged zen goddess instead of a headless chook.

During this session we will help you work out how to time frame your goals and give you actionable tasks to help you get there. We are offering this service complimentary for 20 businesses in the month of January.

Reserve your session here and let us help you map out your best year yet. 

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