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  • Writer's pictureKate & Nicole

The power of industry specific virtual coordination and why expertise and experience matters.

Hey there, angels!

Today, we are diving head first into the world of industry-specific virtual coordination - aka us, your Virtual Angels.

In the fast-paced world of modern business, staying ahead of the competition is vital. As we've previously discussed in the context of your business, one strategy that can significantly boost your efficiency and effectiveness is taking the plunge into the services of industry-specific virtual coordination.

In this blog, we'll delve into why expertise and experience are so important for your business and why we believe that having the knowledge and love of the industry makes the world of difference.
The Expertise of Virtual Coordinators: Our History
Nicole here - co-founder of Halo VC and an industry ‘skin nerd’ of over 15 years. I would like to take you back to the moment I had a revelation. It was in May of 2021, I had just opened my new clinic in the heart of the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, I was working in the treatment room 40+ hours a week, whilst also being a leader, an administration assistant, a cleaner, a stock taker, a customer service guru - the list goes on. It's literally a list a mile long and it’s a list that every business owner in the industry has. However, there comes a time when that list, however capable you are, becomes too much, and your ‘outside work life’ (lets be real, you don’t have one) is just too much, especially when you have this huge list to attend to and you begin to suffer and your mental well-being is challenged everyday *cue falling pregnant. It was then, that my revelation hit that I needed help - I needed someone who could help me tackle my list, who could tackle it efficiently and who would represent the business I had spent over 8 years developing. It was then that I made the best decision I have ever made, hiring Kate!
Handing over parts of your business to someone else is one of the hardest yet rewarding and empowering decisions that you can make in your business. It is nerve-racking and freeing all at the same time. But let me tell you, my world changed once I had the revelation that I couldn’t do it all.
Flash forward two years and with Kate by my side as co-founder of Halo VC, we have been changing the game for other business owners within our industry by giving them back their lives and helping their businesses thrive.
Experience: The Backbone of Efficiency
Let’s talk about experience and why this is so important in ensuring your business still runs as efficiently as it always has, if not more. When hiring a Virtual Coordinator (or VA if you will - more on this difference between a VC & VA soon) the most important thing is that you are hiring someone who can live and breathe your business, an extension of YOU and the brand you have created. Someone who understands the trials and tribulations of your specific industry and who can ‘talk the talk’.

Imagine hiring Elon Musk to run your skin empire - he is the smartest human going round but do you think he would be able to tell a client about their epidermis needing more lipids or ensuring they were booked in for a facial rejuvenation treatment instead of a guide to the fastest internet connection. This is where experience and expertise are essential when handing over parts of your business to a, well, stranger (not for long, as we will be besties in no time I promise)….
The Intersection of Expertise and Experience
The real magic happens when you combine these two qualities. The expertise to understand the specifics of your industry, coupled with the wisdom earned through experience, leads to intelligent decision-making and innovative problem-solving. Boom-shaka.
So what can we do, as industry experts? We, your virtual coordinators can be your trusted advisor, helping you make strategic choices. We can foresee potential issues before they arise, and we can optimise your operations. Think of us as your guardian angels, always wanting the best for you and your business, while being able to be subjective in making informed decisions, based on knowledge, passion and a joint end goal - to help you and your business thrive.
In Conclusion

Your business, is our business and visa versa. We are a representation of you as you put your trust in our services. When you engage with a Virtual Angel, rest assured knowing that your unique business is represented and respected as it should be. Our expertise and experience can help provide your business with a solid foundation in which you can grow as a business owner and as a person knowing that everything you have worked so hard for is in capable (and loving) hands.

To explore how we might be able to support you with your business, book a discovery call by submitting the contact form here:

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